Contact us: | Location: Drilling Dynamics, LLC 336 Boston Post Road Milford, Connecticut 06460 | Contact Numbers: Call Us Toll Free: Phone:(800) 310-4149 Fax:(203) 783-1395 |
Drilling Dynamics is committed to our strategic focus of providing quality parts, on time delivery and customer service that is second to none! We achieve product quality by adhering to the International Standards for Quality, and by recognizing the expectations of our stakeholders, the importance of communication, and the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System
On Time Delivery - Goal 90%
Product Conformity - Goal 95%
Customer Survey Results - Goal 95%
Drilling Dynamics requires material certifications with all shipments. Materials will not be accepted without the required certs and the lot# identifier. None of the materials used can be conflict minerals or counterfeit materials.
Drilling Dynamics requires a Certificate of Conformance and any outside process certifications with all shipments. The product will not be accepted without the required certs. No materials in the product can be conflict minerals or counterfeit materials.
Drilling Dynamics requires a Process Certificate of Conformance to the specification on the P.O. for all services. The service will not be accepted without the required certs.
Supplier agrees to provide us timely written notice of their inability to maintain the shipment schedule.
Unless specific instructions are required, all product shipped to Drilling Dynamics must be delivered, packaged and preserved to prevent damage.
The supplier must maintain:
The supplier needs to ensure the following requirements are met:
Our suppliers will ensure that they prevent the use of counterfeit parts and ensure that their personnel are aware of their contribution to product conformity and product safety and the importance of ethical behavior.
If called out on the P.O., a 1st article is required for prototype and first production run.
It is the supplier’s responsibility to identify and verify articles, components and/or material being capable of quality degradation with age and shall include shelf life data with each shipment as it relates to the completed articles.